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Between Heaven and Hell 1 - Oil Massage



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Fiyo's picture
Joined: 13/12/2023

this is annoying 

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Best comic ever.

Except for the foot stuff.

But i can tolerate it.

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

I only came here for the foot stuff, but I can tolerate the rest of it

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Man I would not like being so formal during sex man stop calling her ma'am while you fucking

FittleCup's picture
Joined: 11/01/2021

Her vagina looks like a roast beef sandwich :D

Jesus.Christ's picture
Joined: 09/11/2023

You can't be between heaven and hell dumbass that's the point

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Purgatory exists

Obama Nobunaga's picture
Joined: 07/11/2021


Alurius The Lord Warden's picture
Joined: 11/09/2023

He forgor

Alurius The Lord Warden's picture
Joined: 11/09/2023

just like he forgot the password to his many other accounts

Himiko Toga's picture
Joined: 28/04/2023

Aren't you supposed to be smarter than this?

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

You're fucking stupid no wonder you were killed

Zdrada-The Bitch Demon's picture
Joined: 29/06/2021

Wow. Jesus doesn't even know what the fuck Limbo is. This is the fucker people worship?

Alurius The Lord Warden's picture
Joined: 11/09/2023

Limbo Is a Level of hell 


Gustaaf Verschraegen's picture
Joined: 24/05/2020

'What is Limbo?'


Alurius The Lord Warden's picture
Joined: 11/09/2023

Limbo Is a layer of hell? are you stupid You can be in between something while being inside of it.

Gustaaf Verschraegen's picture
Joined: 24/05/2020

Uh huh


Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Dante's inferno dumbass limbo is the first level of he'll functioning as a permanent purgatory for those before jesus' time get your shit straight

Alurius The Lord Warden's picture
Joined: 11/09/2023

im not Catholic 

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

You can't call someone fucking stupid for being right dip shit

Alurius The Lord Warden's picture
Joined: 11/09/2023

but he's wrong because limbo is a level of hell

Im a different branch of Christianity 

im also not British

Gustaaf Verschraegen's picture
Joined: 24/05/2020

Miguel is a fucking dumbass, butler to the daughter of one of the richest families in the country, on friends with benefits terms with her, and he doesnt think to just dump 10cc of baby batter inside her womb?

A family that rich will HAVE to safe face somehow, so either he marries and gets to enjoy the fruits of her labor, or gets fired with enough of a NDA payout to comfyly live his days out in some tropic paradise.

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Unless they outright merc his ass

Alurius The Lord Warden's picture
Joined: 11/09/2023

what is this the fucking cartel?

Obama Nobunaga's picture
Joined: 07/11/2021

What's my boy Dennis doing

Ray Cisman's picture
Joined: 15/08/2023


Drip Man's picture
Joined: 16/04/2021

I hope this is actually true because I don't  really wanna go through this again.

Himiko Toga's picture
Joined: 28/04/2023

I thought it was just Rockstars bullshit again, so I didn't bother commenting. This is great! 

Gustaaf Verschraegen's picture
Joined: 24/05/2020

Its real

Zdrada-The Bitch Demon's picture
Joined: 29/06/2021

Fucking finally.
