Translations: Русский Author: SlaveDeMortoSection: My Little Pony: Friendship is MagicSwitch to alternative gallery Characters: Twilight SparkleBig McIntoshFluttershyRarityPinkie PieRainbow DashTags: LesbiansOralMasturbationDildo Select ratingGive Candybits 1/5Give Candybits 2/5Give Candybits 3/5Give Candybits 4/5Give Candybits 5/5 Average: 4 (160 votes) 268058 views Suggest tag Suggest description
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this shit so ass
Eng lịch ịt ních gà
Viết nam mịt ịt năm bờ oăn
You know nothing about pinkie..
The artist is great. We need more.
Love the art style
Cheese. I like cheese. Can have cheese. Please?
Sorry sir we dont have cheese but would u like to have a gallon of milk to make cheese?
Rainbowdashs face when she went "Slut" was great XD
vary expresive
And it's in English
ahh man it stopped before it got to the good part.
Hey, that's pretty good