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How To Heal A Broken Heart

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Fiyo's picture
Joined: 13/12/2023


The_Beheaded (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture


Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture
I love this comic 
Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture
I think this comic was rushed
Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture
This is a bit wholesome i like it
Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture

I like your cut G

Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture
thanks, i'm glad you noticed it, i tried a new haircutter, they're pretty good from what i've heard
Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture

a sonic speed porn


MacAir's picture
Joined: 03/10/2020

I would to glitch though walls but I can't do I'm just chalk...

Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture



Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture
Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture

It sure is nice driving my 2020 Chevy Silverado

UhIDK69's picture
Joined: 20/03/2020

I don't gotta worry and NNN cause I failed on the first day

Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture

you cant fail if you dont join

Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture

Dame I must be old bc i dont recognise any of thees knew character's like Nichol or sally some wered shit


Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture

these are ildcharacters frok. the saturday motning shiw and the comics

Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture

This was just wholesome but nsfw at the same time

Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture

i hate whoever came up with NNN

Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture


Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture

Why did we write the first or the second to be able to say that the comic looks a little good?

Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture

Yedibinin ci neden ilk ikinci yazıyoruz anlamadım biraz iyi gibiydi çizgi roman

Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture


Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture

Warum nicht? 

The Official Porn Comic Critic's picture
Joined: 31/10/2020

Not the biggest sonic porn fan. But this was alright. Artwork was fine, story was cliche but fine. 55/100

Agent_Lambet's picture
Joined: 06/12/2019

To distract you from your sins. What is your favorite 3D Sonic game. Personally I thought Secret of the Rings was a banger.

Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture

Sonic 3D Blast, that's real "3D"

Robert E.O. Speedwagon's picture
Joined: 31/10/2020

Sonic 06 for the win

Okuyasu Nijimura.'s picture
Joined: 25/10/2020

Oh, I see you are a gentleman of culture as well. 

Noriaki Kakyoin.'s picture
Joined: 14/10/2020

u both are men of culture

Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture

I like sonic unleashed
