This is what we in the biz call GSS, or Good Solid Sex. A rare find in these days of strange fetishes. And although I'll admit this is furry, thats practically a sexuality at this point, so no problem there.
Arts good, but the writing? Not so much, and really? If you're gonna have someone whose telling a story from their perspective, then show who they're talking to! It's stupid when they just talk to the camera/the viewer, just show who they're telling the story to
I honestly thought this was an amazing comic. The art was amazing, the story had a nice set up, had a good ending, and it was left open so that sequels can be made. Needs more creampie tho!
How interesting, as I find my humanoid brain attracted to certain elements of this comic, including but not limited to the voluptuous magnitude of the woman’s buttocks.
I think they just implied he's a cyborg with multiple... "attachments".(if you catch my drift). (He's got different dicks to use, that's what I'm saying)
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rất chính xác(tm)
I imagine the main guy sounds like the YouTuber CorpseHusband. Voice like the Greek Mythological Underworld, but strongly soothing.
op has never had sex or met a girl irl
Absolutely phenomenal
Wait, so if he made the prosthetics himself AND is able to swap his cock at will, does that mean he chopped his own deck off? 0_0
Pun intended?!?
Wait, so if he made the prosthetics himself AND is able to swap his cock at will, does that mean he chopped his own deck off? 0_0
I actually really like this. Especially the bionics, I'm a sucker for those.
He survived the gulag but what cost
Gulch looks like half dear and half dragon
I need more of these kind of comics
I'm gonna say the n word
You can’t say the n word that’s raisist.
*A10 Thunderbolts attacking you*
Arts good, but the writing? Not so much, and really? If you're gonna have someone whose telling a story from their perspective, then show who they're talking to! It's stupid when they just talk to the camera/the viewer, just show who they're telling the story to
This is adorable I would gladly fap to more.
I honestly thought this was an amazing comic. The art was amazing, the story had a nice set up, had a good ending, and it was left open so that sequels can be made. Needs more creampie tho!
How interesting, as I find my humanoid brain attracted to certain elements of this comic, including but not limited to the voluptuous magnitude of the woman’s buttocks.
I can’t help but think ‘this girl obese’.
I would consider myself as a furry right now
But then I look deeper into the furry fandom and then refuse to.
dont look too deep then just no
10/10 For robo-cock.
I think they just implied he's a cyborg with multiple... "attachments".(if you catch my drift). (He's got different dicks to use, that's what I'm saying)
Wait THIS ain't my subreddit
Amazing comic i liked og plz make another one