Ironically enough, cheetah animals inbreed more often then they don't. and the icing on the cake is they do it around the same age as the twins in this comic, your welcome everyone ;^)
Yeah so after reading some comments,i figuere(if that how you spell it.Don't know,don't care)People watch SHITY STUFF AND THINK ITS OK,fuck,there was a fucing goat and a dog fucking and people were saying how fucking good it was so FUCK YOU ALL FOR BEING LITTLE SHITY GIRLS(FUCK YALL).Another fucking think is that people have little brains and draw shit stuff like a fucking dog with titties of an actual women with a human,FUCKING HYBRID SHIT.JUST LIKE FUCKING FAMILY GUY WHEN THE KID AND THE DOG HAD BABYS.
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Please make a sequel
They made a bunch of these. Just on other sites
shame the other days got deleted, the writing in this series is amazing
What happened to all the other days did they get deleted or something?
No thank you
Bro is the hero of our generation
Eat me
Taking both comics into account, it is pretty wholesome. I pronounce them husband and wife. Probably.
'ello ringo