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But if this is Jokers palaces then the shadow futaba has an unfair advantage as she lacks any mental hesitation with prefroing for joker and would be upgraded to the the real futabas level as they go on
I like it
R.I.P Joker Loved by all but mostly by futaba
But... Persona users cant have palaces
That is completely untrue
Technically Futaba still had a palace by the time she became a Persona user in her palace
yes, but the palace crumbled minutes after she awakened to her persona, and a palace ruler can enter their own palace perfectly fine.
We know but this is best futaba comic give a break
Welp, Joker is fucking dead, so that's a thing.
Sojiro: "yare yare daze"
Is that a JoJo reference
Why are they trying to censor what we know is there?
yea just some goofy ass law
Some weird Japanese law