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Shota is just as bad as loli, alright artstyle 1/10 its not technically incest
ok its shotacon but the art style is exquisinte
is there a part 2
What the fuck is gumball doing on my pc?
Mates, no.
Isn't it F22 raptor
Couldn't agree more
mate, Y E S
Nice love to see more
tbh i wanna be a shota ong just need a girl the hard part
What the fuck is scout doing on my computer these days?
who uses computers to fap
I do!
More plz
I came back from the grave just to say, I hope Caesars Legion slice your skin and feed you to cannibals....
Nasty bro
My man you a going Straight hell
Why the fuck would Jesus have a porn account
Hey boss, Time here just so you to know, Death has been kinda tired theses days (don't blame they, especially after 2020) so it's going to have a decrease in the flux of people going up or down, but in like, one or two decades it should go back to normal. Just wanted to leave the warning, bye
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.
I am sorry Lord, for I have sinned
What then why are you here
Even Jesus doesn't see good in you anymore